Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My Kickstarter Campaign

Hi everyone, 
As some of you may already know, I am trying to get my second album out by raising funds through Kickstarter. For those who may not have heard of Kickstarter, it is a site that helps artists and filmmakers get their projects made by pitching it to the world. People then pledge donations and recieve rewards for each pledge they make. 
So far, I have raised 38% of my goal in 8 days. I have 36 days left to raise the remaining 62%.

I need your help. 
All it takes is a $1 to help me out. And if you cannot afford the $1, all I ask is that you share the link to my kickstarter page so that I can get my next album made. The link to my Kickstarter page is 
With my second album, my goal is to make more music in my interconnected genre web so that there's something for everyone on my album. Perhaps my my R&B/Pop number "This Town" won't do it for ballad-lovers, but "I'm Yours" will. Then, there's the dark, mysterious "Forsaken" on this upcoming album, but at the same time, there's also the funky, upbeat, feminist "(Not) a Damsel in Distress". Although the overall genre of my music is Pop, I like to experiment with different forms and make music that is commercial, but at the same time, not something you hear on the radio every day. 
But in order to make really solid, good music, I need YOUR help.  
Every contribution means the world to me and every donation helps - no matter what the amount. Every single penny received will go into studio, engineering and production costs. What is left over will go into making your reward prizes, the album launch event and promoting the album.  
A donation of more than a certain amount gets your name inside the jacket cover of the CD, and other higher donation amounts get a producer credit. 
Once again, the link to the Kickstarter page is:

 - Minoti

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